Members of Orthopaedic Specialists provide treatment for a wide range of work-related injuries including fractures, dislocations, crush injuries, amputations, as well as over-use injuries. Subspecialty care provided by Orthopaedic Specialists physicians allows for the very best management of these injuries, most often, resulting in a much quicker recovery period, resulting in less time off work and less cost.
The minimally invasive approach and innovative procedures that the surgeons at Orthopaedic Specialists employ allows for continued improvement in our patient care standards. Employees and employers alike deserve prompt attention to all details of the work injury, and we strive to see patients within 48 hours for work-related injuries and immediately for emergency situations.
Specialized Work Injury Care From Our Team to Yours
At Orthopaedic Specialists, our goal is to provide state-of-the-art care resulting in rapid recovery and return of function benefiting both employer and employee.
If you are an employer group and would like to discuss how our surgeons might assist your employees, please contact our Workers' Compensation Specialist, Sydney Heskett, at (563) 344-7186 or via email at: